Wednesday, July 8, 2009

When economist listen to MP3

One ordinary day, kigendengwaras (yes, it's me), the drunken economist, listen a list of songs. While he enjoy the music, his economist instinc just come to realize that how these songs are told so much about economics. On half insanity, let us enter our (beloved) young economist thought:

Rolling Stones: "You can't always get what you want" -- Okay that's why we called it trade-off

Bon Jovi: "Bad Medicine" -- We talk about quota, subsidies, tariff, and dumping isn't it

The Clash: "Career opportunities" --
Definetly, we talk about opportunity cost

U2 : "Stuck in a moment You can't get out of"
remember on Great Depression on '30s, you need "intervention"

Michael Bubble: "Everything" -- Ouhh, that the answer for What economics can explain about?

for last,
Cindy Cenora: "Aku Cinta Rupiah" -- Beware! Neo-Protectionism..maybe this song inspire China on Yuan policy..

That's why I love music an economics. Sadly, I learn that I also face indifference curve, it means I couldn't listen to the musics along day, I must sacrifice my time to listen my teacher..

nb: I indebted to Prof Daniel S. Hamermesh for his inspiration that Economics is Everywhere


Ruth Nikijuluw said...


satu lagi ki,

"Parasit" by Gita Gutawa

when someone is better off and the other is worse off, we call it unpareto improvement conditon,haha

Unknown said...

Michael Bubble: "Everything" -- Ouhh, that the answer for What economics can explain about?

seph, itu bener ga ya? ada contoh pertanyaan yang ga bsa dijawab oleh ilmu ekonomi? hehehe..

hahaha iya yuth! parasit! terus lagu apa lagi yaa?? hmmm cari cari ahhh..

kigendengwaras said...

mana gw tau ada apa ngga..haha
yah selama pertanyaan "manusia" mungkin bisa

bgi gw ekonomi terdefinisikan, bukan lagi oikos dan nomos (bagaimana rumah tangga mengatur kehiupannya), tpi lebih ke mempelajari human behaviour,

Ruth Nikijuluw said...

"Sadly, I learn that I also face indifference curve, it means I couldn't listen to the musics along day, I must sacrifice my time to listen my teacher."

ki, ini bagian yang kita omongin smalam..hehe.
sacrifice = budget line (in this case time constraint)? hehe..

kigendengwaras said...

oh mungkin misperception di kata "sacrifice"

maksd gw , IC itu nunjukin bahwa fungsi utilitas gwbukan musika aja tapi ada variabel dengerin dosen yang merupakan goods juga..jadi ga bisa dengerin musik karena ada pilihan goods lain yang memasimalkan utilitas gw..


Jahen Fachrul Rezki said...

Cigarettes and Alcohol - Oasis

Bahas unemployment, yg menyebabkan konsumsi rokok dan alkohol yg meningkat.

kigendengwaras said...

Oke nice info hen..hehehe

oya FYI: ada situs yang memang menyediakan analisa lirik lagu dari sisi ekonomi, bisa dilihat di halaman utama di bagia my favourites links...thx