Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Reading Club

I recommend a list of books for this holiday:

-Undercover Economist. Tim Harford
-Freakonomics. Steven Levitt
-Why England Lose. Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski
-Mendobrak Sentralisme Ekonomi. Rizal Mallarangeng
-Pelaku Berkisah. Thee Kian Wie
-Asas Moral Politik. Ian Saphiro

and for more religious session:

-The Lamb and the Fuhrer. Ravi Zacharias

Most of them can be found on and, but nevermind, just simply use the almighty Google.

Feel cheapo? Try Gigapedia . But, I won't recommended it.


kigendengwaras said...

Upgrade: Economics Is Everywhere by Daniel S. Hamermesh is a great choice, but it's really hard to find..but you can found it at FEUI library

Ruth Nikijuluw said...

-The Lamb and the Fuhrer. Ravi Zacharias

abis baca, post resensi nya di milis PO ya ki..

oter recommended one:
"discovering your inner economict" by Tyler Cowen

kigendengwaras said...

Wah..ngga tuh ga pernah buka milis PO..emang ada ya?

cari-cari aja sendiri

oke saran bagus..ntar dicari bukunya

alamism said...

bang..itu buku ane mana thee kian wie..kapan ente balik?


alamism said...

oiyo, kw ana bukune ta?nyilih po'o..hhe..

kigendengwaras said...

ng kosan lamsky...

sante wae...

oya sebagian besar ono tapi
masih diburu "why England Lose"
