Monday, August 10, 2009

Watchout Another Attack! Baby Boom

A dramatic movies-like actions on Temanggung (starring: Densus 88), has ended. But it still left a question, who's really Mr-X in the house? Is it Noordin M. Top or else? But, some terrorism experts remind us too keep awake and believe that terror bomb didn't ended yet.

I agree...but not in this particular case.

I agree that "terror bomb" not ended yet. It is real. The Baby Boom. Based on demographic survey on 2007, member of KB (Keluarga Berencana) just slightly increase from 60,3 % to 61,4 and a stagnan Total Fertility Rate (TFR) stuck on level 2,6 (per fertile age woman). We need approx 70% KB's member (Sugiri Syarief, 2008) and must allocate Rp 4 trillion (FYI on 2008 we just have Rp 2,1 trillion)

For real, according to Aburidzal Bakrie, today's Indonesia people have reach 215 million people. People growth, was fantastic, more than 4 million (people) a year! Fear of baby boom part 2 (first baby boom appeared on 60's era) seems realistic. For economic growth I could say it is a bad news. On APBN 2010, I can't see this demographic problem as a priority. But, the data give us early alarm for our government. Especially on 2010, it will be wise to pay attention not only on Densus result but also Census result.


Archie said...

I think the remedy for population control problems is to improves availability of social security and pensions insurance. Most of indonesian parents "use" their child to assure their old age. More child means more assurance.

kigendengwaras said...

Thank you archie...haha

maybe it will effective on countering "banyak anak banyak rejeki"...

but, (although I can't give quiet data) I think the primary source of baby boom came from slump area. It means, improves social security and pension didn't affect their "behaoviour".

ekpkeren said...

ga selalu pertumbuhan penduduk tinggi berdampak buruk buat ekonomi. It's true that population does matter, entah buruk atau baik, tapi yang jelas suatu saat nanti saat pertumbuhan penduduk usia kerja lebih tinggi daripada pertumbuhan penduduk muda, akan ada peningkatan supply tenaga kerja, peningkatan saving dan investasi, dll. Istilahnya bonus demografi.

Dan KALAU Indonesia bisa menurunkan TFR sampai 1.86 per 100. Akan ada windows of opportunity pada tahun 2020 - 2030 yang bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan.

tapi itu balik lagi gimana Indonesia bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja untuk generasi baby boom yang sangat banyak itu, dan tentu peningkatan kualitas manusianya sendiri.

menurut gw, ga ada yang salah dengan baby boom, asal bisa dimanfaatkan. Soalnya kalo gak, bakal terjadi disaster.. haha

coba baca: bonus demografi (pidato pengukuhan bu tuning) semoga dapet perspektif lain tentang population growth, baby boom dan pengaruhnya terhadap ekonomi