Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gorontalo, The Black Swan of Indonesia

We, Indonesian, or may be people in whole world commonly accept that there are such a gender discrimination in daily life. I'm not going to ignore that, especially from my Indonesia point of view about education.We know about great struggle of Kartini at the past against Javanese culture named "pingitan". (Women are believed to stay at home and didn't need to got education experience.)

In modern days, may be "pingitan" was no more than folklore. But, data told the truth. Selected Social-Economics Indicators of Indonesia 2008 reported that there are some gap on gender term in Indonesian education. Adult literacy rate in Indonesia for Male reach 94,56% , for female just 88,39%. . Further, Mean years of schooling told similar sense. Indonesian male spend 7,9 years for schooling but female group only spend 7 year (approximately just finished elementary school.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb proposed The Black Swan Theory. There are some rare event beyond our normal expectations. We need not traveling to Western Australia in purpose to see the black swan (on denotative meaning). Let's us flight to Gorontalo (another new province after decentralization in Indonesia). On paragraph above, we saw such a disrimination by gender on Indonesian education. Women got less. But not at Gorontalo. Gorontalo's female have spend 7 years for shooling but their male spend 6,5 years. Same story on adult literacy rate, approx. 95,93% women an read, when only 95,47% of male.

I still couldn't explain why. Even a matrilinealistic culture like Minangkabau have, the data follow same pattern like normal gender disrcimination (adult literacy rate and mean years for schooling for women is less than male group). The Black Swan theory seems true. But, I also interested of one exciting fact. In Indonesia 79,6% of women have used contraceptive but 84,98% Gorontalo's women have it. It looks like there are some correlation between eduation and demographic problem, especially facing population booming.


Ruth Nikijuluw said...

gorontalo propinsi inovasi, si bungsu yang menggeliat..hoho.=)

mungkin ada hub nya dengan slogan mreka ttg adat istiadat,"adat bersendikan syara, syara bersendikan kitabullah “.


kigendengwaras said...

apaan tuh artinya ??

"adat bersendikan syara, syara bersendikan kitabullah “.......translate donk

tapi ini cuman fakta2 doang

harusnya diteliti lagi impactnya ke masyarakat

Fakhrul said...

Adat BAsandi Syarak, Syarak basandi Kitabullah

itu artinya Adat itu diatur oleh agama (syarak), Syarak itu berasal dari kitab suci...

Anyway itu pedoman hidup orang minangkabau dari dulu..
sejak kapan Orang gorontalo make semboyan yang sama

kigendengwaras said...

wah rull gw klurang tau tuh...kita tanya sumber yang memberi info dulu nih..

btw ada yg tertarik meneliti Gorontalo? haha